Tuesday, November 24, 2009

McClellan Old Growth Forest

A friend from West Orange sent me the following information:
Seton Hall Prepatory School is asking the West Orange, NJ Zoning Board to approve six (6) variances so that they may begin Phase 2 of their "Kelly Athletic Fields" expansion. The construction of these sports fields translates into the destruction of over 1,000 trees which make up the McClellan Old Growth Forest, located on Prospect Avenue in West Orange. This 17-acres of inhabited, forested land are a part of what was originally a 44-acre Old Growth Forest, and includes trees with ages in excess of 200-years, and animals including the Great Horned Owl, Red Tailed Hawk, Bald Eagle, and Red Fox. It is a part of the Watchung Ridge, which connects Eagle Rock Reservation and South Mountain Reservation.
I visited the link provided and learned that close to 400 people already signed a petition to protect this last remaining, unprotected Old Growth Forest in the Metropolitan Region. http://new.ipetitions.com/petition/stoptheprep/

According to Bruce Kershner, a forest ecologist and nationally recognized expert on ancient forests who conducted a survey of the area on November, 2002:
In summary, Seton Hall Prep School’s Governor George Brinton McClellan Estate is populated by outstanding Old Growth trees, including two groves of Old Growth Forest covering several acres.

Approximately 50 individual Old Growth trees, with their huge spreading crowns, form a canopy over much of this forested acreage. The Old Growth trees include the following species: Red Oak, Swamp White Oak, American Beech, Tulip Tree, White Oak, Black Oak and Red Maple. In addition, 25 other tree species grow on the site, totaling of 33 species of trees. This makes the site a remarkably diverse community of trees, especially over such a relatively limited acreage.

Ages of the Old Growth trees range from 150years to 240 years old (meaning germination dates back to 1760). Though not measured, many of the oaks and tulip trees soared to notably great heights, possibly to 120 feet, far taller than 99% of forests in New Jersey.

To put the Old Growth Forest in context, there are only 14 documented sites of Old Growth Forest in New Jersey (comprising only 1/100th of 1 per cent of the state’s area). Seven of those sites are located within New Jersey’s portion of the New York City Metropolitan Area.

The Governor George Brinton McClellan Estate Old Growth Forest is the only unprotected – and endangered – Old Growth Forest site within New Jersey’s part of the Metropolitan Area. In addition to the notable Old Growth Forest, the property is also remarkable for its historic value. On several acres of the site, the arboretum and gardens of Governor George Brinton McClellan still persist.
His complete report is available on line by clicking here. Mr. Kershner died on February 16, 2007 in Cheektowaga, NY. His knowledge and passion about the natural environment will be greatly missed.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Verona's Exhibit at ECEC

Two weeks ago I was confirmed by Verona's Town Manager, Mayor and Council Members as an official member of the Verona Environmental Commission. I wanted to share this wonderful news and my commitment as a volunteer. I've been involved in many projects with the VEC since I first met them back in June asking why there were no "No Idling" signs at my daughter's school. I quickly realize that constructive work is needed and if you are willing to help you are very welcomed in Verona to do so. We made a presentation about vehicle idling, and a poster contest. We exhibited the posters at the schools and at the Verona Library. The Award Ceremony took place at Town Hall and of course, we got the signs at the school. Now we organized an exhibit at the Essex County Environmental Center in Roseland. Please see the information below, I hope you can make it!

Please make sure to visit the Essex County Environmental Center and celebrate the season! Place: 621B Eagle Rock Avenue, in Roseland, NJ

“Idle Free Verona Poster Exhibit”: Artwork submitted to the VEC’s contest by students from all four Public Elementary Schools in Verona will be on display from Saturday, November 21st through Saturday, December 19th at the Essex County
Environmental Center (ECEC). www.veronaec.org

“Third Annual Give Green Holiday Gift Fair”: Promote conservation while doing your holiday shopping. Nature Crafts for kids such as pine cone turkeys and pressed clay ornaments. Saturday, November 21st from 11 am to 4 pm at the ECEC.Click here to see the flyer.

“Fourth Annual Sustainable Homes and Habitats Gingerbread Contest & Exhibit”: A wonderful project that incorporates the mission to raise awareness about nature with a holiday theme. Registration Deadline November 23rd. On Exhibit at the ECEC from December 1-18, 9 am to 5 pm M-F; 10 am to 2 pm Saturday. Awards Ceremony: Saturday, December 19 @ 9:30 am. Read here the contest and exhibit details.

For more information please call 973-228-8776 or visit www.essexcountynj.org

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Refrigerator Recycling Rebates

Bellow is an announcement about a recycling program that makes your life easier, get rid of clutter in an environmentally friendly way.
This program provides a $30 reward and free pick up of old refrigerators and freezers for New Jersey residents. These old units are not only wasting energy, but money as well -up to $150 a year. And, through this program, NJCEP (in partnership with JACO Environmental) safely recycles 95% of each unit. That means these units aren't going into landfills or back on the secondary market, but are being turned into items we use everyday, such as cell phones and laptops. Residents can make an appointment for a free pick up by calling 1-877-270-3520 or visiting www.NJCleanEnergy.com.