For the last two months I've been working as a volunteer with members of the Verona Environmental Commission. Some of the projects that I got involved with was to photograph all the Treasured Trees of Verona and to help create a presentation about local vehicle idling pollution.
The next project was to redevelop and enhance the VEC's website. In order to work effectively as a group, we used Google Sites, a free on-line application that allowed as to collaborate in a very dynamic way.
We did a lot of research and took plenty of pictures included in the site. I hope you enjoy it. The following is the VEC's announcement:
Going “Green” in Verona is easy!
If you are thinking of going “green” and saving some green; www.veronaec.org, the Web site of the Verona Environmental Commission, is the place to go. The VEC just revamped its site to highlight sustainable living ideas tailored to Verona.
The new site is a collective work created entirely by VEC volunteers using free on-line software. It is a very user friendly portal with plenty of recent local pictures, inspiring and easy to navigate. The VEC would like to invite all residents, including children, to go green and get involved in the protection of Verona’s environment.
Visit us online and learn how you can reduce air pollution today. One of the site’s highlights is Idle Free Verona, a new presentation by the VEC and the H.B. Whitehorne Middle School Environmental Club. Take the Treasured Tree tour and discover how Verona went solar. Stop by the kids’ page to “Go Back to School Green”. Do you know what “Household Hazardous Waste” is? We all have some at home; learn how to properly dispose of it; and for free! What about recycling plastic #5, composting, rain barrels and rain gardens? Read about these topics and much more at www.veronaec.org.
Your feedback is appreciated. You can contact the VEC via email at veronaenvironmental@gmail.com. Going “Green” is easy!